HPE7/HPE8 Interchangeable Voucher


Note: for customers who encounter an error saying they are "unauthorized to perform an attempted operation" at checkout or on this page, please clear this site's cookies from your browser cache (from the time of your earliest login) and refresh the page to reset your credentials. Alternatively you may place an order through a browser in private mode (or Incognito mode for Google Chrome) to automatically have fresh credentials for that session. If this problem persists even with cookies cleared please contact our customer service team at HPEvouchers@pearson.com and they will be happy to place your order for you.

Voucher expires twelve (12) months from date of purchase. The specific expiration date will be sent with the voucher code via email. All sales of exam vouchers are final, no exceptions.

Voucher numbers will be emailed to you no more than 1 business day after your payment has been received.





Not Purchasable: Option I acknowledge that the vouchers I am purchasing expire 12 months from date of purchase. is required.


This voucher is valid for one (1) HPE7 exam or one (1) HPE8 exam.

Once you place your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from HPEvouchers@Pearson.com. This e-mail includes your exam voucher number -- you need this number to register for your exam . It is important that you provide a valid e-mail address and that your system does not block messages from HPEvouchers@Pearson.com.

This voucher is valid for use in these countries only. Vouchers expire twelve (12) months from date of purchase. Exams must be scheduled and taken on or before the expiration date of the voucher(s). The specific expiration date will be sent with the voucher code via email. All sales of vouchers are final, no exceptions.

NOTE: Individuals wishing to take HPE exams can schedule their exam directly at www.pearsonvue.com/hpe. It is not necessary to purchase a voucher.